
Showing posts from June, 2020

Class 12 - Holiday Home work for the week ( 22nd to 26th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week  22nd to 26th June 2020 What is a STUD? A stud is a cylindrical piece of metal having threads at both ends as shown in Fig 1 below. Fig 1: Studs A stud is a headless bolt. For connecting two parts, the metal end of the stud is screwed into the threaded hole of one part and the other end called as the nut end is passed inside the clearance hole in the other part. The neck of the stud where there are no threads remains within the hole.   Types of studs 1. Plain Stud 2. Stud with Square neck 3.  Collar Stud What is a machine screw? A screw is a temporary fastener that holds two members together. A screw is a bolt that is threaded throughout its length up to its head. Generally it is screwed into a threaded hole. Machine screws are classified according to the shape of their heads. Commonly used machine screws are as below: 1. Round Cup Head 2. Cheese Head 3. Counter Sunk Head (90 degree) 4. Grub 5. Socket Head Fig 1: Round

Class 11 - Holiday Home work for the week ( 22nd to 26th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week 22nd to 26th June 2020 Please solve a few questions as listed below.  Q 21. Draw a square of side 40 mm outside another square of side 30 mm. Q 22. Draw a pentagon of side 40 mm outside another pentagon of side 30 mm Q 23. Draw a hexagon of side 40 mm outside another hexagon of side 30 mm. Q 24. Find the straight line equal to the length of the circumference of a given circle. Q 25. Draw a right triangle with length of its hypotenuse as 40 mm and another angle as 30 degrees. Q 26. Draw a triangle with base as 50 mm and height 20 mm.  Q 27. Make angles of 108, 72 and 36 degrees. Q 28. Make angles of 54, 27, 18 and 9 degrees

Class 12 - Holiday Home work for the week ( 15th to 19th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week 15th to 19th June 2020 T Bolt The T bolt is similar to the other bolts that you have studied except that the shape of its head resembles the English alphabet 'T'. Such a bolt is used in machine tool tables. Similar shaped slots accommodate the head of the bolt. Refer Fig 1 below. Hook Bolt ( J Bolt ) The Hook bolt is similar to the other bolts that you have studied except that the shape of its head resembles the English alphabet 'J'. The J shape of the head, protrudes on one side the shank. Fig 1 (a) T Bolt   (b) Hook (J) Bolt Exercise   Q 1. Draw to scale 1:1 the profile of a T Bolt of nominal diameter 30 mm in the vertical position. Q 2. Draw to scale 1:1 the profile of a Hook or J Bolt of nominal diameter 30 mm in the vertical position.

Class 11 - Holiday Home work for the week (15th to 19th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week 15th to 19th June 2020 Please solve a few questions as listed below.  Q 16. Draw a pentagon of side 40 mm using the 4-5-6 method. Q 17. Draw a hexagon of side 30 mm using the 4-5-6 method Q 18. Draw a pentagon of side 30 mm inside another pentagon of side 40 mm Q 19. Draw a hexagon of side 30 mm inside another hexagon of side 40 mm. Q 20. Draw a triangle of side 40 mm outside another triangle of side 30 mm

Class 12 - Holiday Home work for the week ( 8th to 12th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week  8th to 12th June 2020 1. Hexagonal Nut The most commonly used nut is a the hexagonal nut. It resembles a hexagonal slab (prism) in which a threaded hole is provided. On one end, that is the top end of the nut, the corners are rubbed off so that they are not sharp. Some material of the nut at the corners is removed by a machining process. this process of removing the sharpness at the corners is called as  'chamfering'. The angle of chamfering is usually 30 degrees with the top surface. Refer to Fig 1 below.    Fig 1: A hexagonal nut showing chamfering Fig 1 above shows chamfered corners of the nut. Also seen in the picture is the  chamfer circle  beyond which chamfering is done. Why is chamfering done? Chamfering is done to remove sharp corners of the nut so that the operator does not hurt himself while handling the nuts. 1. Width across CORNERS Fig 2 below shows the width across CORNERS. If

Class 11 - Holiday Home work for the week (8th to 12th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week  8th to 12th June 2020 Please solve a few questions as listed below.  Q 11. Draw a square of 30 mm inside another square of 50 mm. Q 12. Draw a external common tangent to two circles of radii 30 and 40 mm whose centres are separated by a distance of 100 mm. Q 13. Draw an equilateral triangle of side 30 mm inside and co-centric with another bigger equilateral triangle of side 50 mm. Q 14. Draw a square of side 30 mm inside and co-centric with another bigger square of side 50 mm. Q 15. Draw an internal common tangent to two circles of radii 30 mm and 40 mm whose centres are 100 mm apart.

Class 11 - Holiday Home work for the week ( 1st to 5th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday home work for the week 1st to 5th June 2020 Please solve a few questions as listed below.  Instrction:  Take any arbitrary length of the line AB in the following questions. Q 1. Bisect a given line AB. Q 2. Divide a given line AB in the ratio 1:4. Q 3. Divide a given line AB in the ratio 3:5. Q 4. Draw a line CD parallel to a given line AB at a distance of 50 mm. Q 5. Draw angles of 15, 45 and 75 degrees. Q 6. Draw angles of 135 and 150 degrees Q 7. You are given two non parallel lines drawn separately. Draw a line that bisect the angle between them. Q 8. Draw an equilateral triangle of height 45 mm. Q 9. Construct a rhombus of of side 50 mm and base angle 105 degree Q 10. Find the centre of a given circle of radius 30 mm whose centre is not known (or pretend you do not know).

Class 12 - Holiday Home work for the week (1st to 5th June 2020)

Dear Students, The following is the holiday homework for the week - 1st to 5th June 2020 You will learn about  RIVETS . Let us understand them in detail. What is a RIVET? A rivet is a permanent fastener that holds two members together. A rivet is a small cylindrical piece of metal having a head, body and tail. Fig 1: Rivet and its parts Fig 2: Riveted Joints Types of Rivets A rivet is classified according to the shape of their heads. 1. Snap Head 2. Pan Head 3. Counter Sunk Head (60 degree) 4. Flat Head Exercise - Rivets Q 1. Sketch freehand the front view and top view of a  Snap head rivet  of diameter 20 mm, keeping its axis vertical. Give standard dimensions. Q 2. Sketch freehand the front view and top view of a P an head rivet  of diameter 20 mm, keeping its axis vertical. Give standard dimensions. Q 3. Sketch freehand the front view and top view of a  60 degree CSK rivet  of diameter 20 mm, keeping its axis vertical. Give standard dimen