6th July 2020, Period 3, Class 12, Engineering Graphics, Assembly & Disassembly - Introduction

Learn Basics Engineering Graphics EG Tutorial As Per GTU < Kachhua

Dear Students,

Good Morning and a warm welcome to today's class.

It feels really nice to meet up for yet another class this morning.

Recall that in our last class before the break, we had learnt about Single Riveted Lap Joint

Today we will be starting the 2nd Unit which is called as the Assembly and Disassembly Drawings.

What is an ASSEMBLY ?

A machine consists of various smaller machine parts that we have studied in the previous chapter. The process of putting together various machine parts to make a machine is called as ASSEMBLING and the final result so obtained is called as ASSEMBLY 


The process of separating various machine parts of a machine of which it is made up of is called as  DISASSEMBLING and the final result so obtained is called as a  DISASSEMBLY 

A simple block (not a machine) is illustrated below. 

1. The figure on the top right hand side is the assembled block or an ASSEMBLY.
2. This assembly is separated into its various parts or components in the figure shown at the left hand bottom. You can see the 6 smaller parts separately. This is called as the DISASSEMBLY.   

Lesson 51 – Drawing Mode

Figure 1: Assembly and Disasssembly of a simple block

Assembly Questions

You will be given drawings (FV and or TV and or FV) of various components that go into making the machine. From these components you are required to draw the final assembly.

Now watch the youtube video that will enhance your understanding




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