7th July 2020, Period 1, Class 11, Engineering Graphics - Projection of Solids - 1

Dear Students,
Good Morning and a warm welcome to today's class.
It feels really nice to meet up for yet another class this morning.
We have been studying how to draw projections of planar figures primarily regular polygons such as Triangles, Squares, Pentagons and Hexagons along with Circles.
Good Morning and a warm welcome to today's class.
It feels really nice to meet up for yet another class this morning.
We have been studying how to draw projections of planar figures primarily regular polygons such as Triangles, Squares, Pentagons and Hexagons along with Circles.
Let us now learn to draw projections of Solids or 3 D figures
Exercise - Projections of solids - 1
Q 1. Draw the projections (FV and TV ) of a triangular prism of base side 30 mm and height 60 mm placed on the HP with its axis perpendicular to it and having one of its base edges (nearer the observer) parallel to the VP.
Q 2. Draw the projections of a triangular pyramid of base edge 40 mm and height 70 mm placed on the HP with its axis perpendicular to it and having one of its base edges (away from the observer) parallel to the VP.
Q 3. Draw the projections (FV and TV ) of a triangular prism of base side 40 mm and height 70 mm placed on the HP with its axis perpendicular to it and having one of its base edges (away from the observer) parallel to the VP.
Q 4. Draw the projections of a triangular pyramid of base edge 30 mm and height 60 mm placed on the HP with its axis perpendicular to it and having one of its base edges (nearer the observer) parallel to the VP.
Q5. Draw the projections of a hexagonal prism of base edge 30 mm and axis length 70 mm, resting on the HP having two of its base edges parallel to the VP.
Q6. Draw the projections of a hexagonal pyramid of base edge 30 mm and axis length 70 mm, resting on the HP having two of its base edges perpendicular to the VP.
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