Value Education - 'Responsibility'

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Good Morning Dear Students,

Today we will understand another trait of personality called as 'Responsiblity'.

Theme for the day is RESPONSIBILITY

What does responsibilty mean?

I am sure that you all are aware of the meaning of the term 'Responsibility'. What you might not be aware of, is all the aspects about responsibility that determine a robust personality trait. Responsibility comprises at least three sub parts as mentioned below.   

1. Assuming or taking responsibilty, 
2. Behaving in a responsible manner and 
3. Accepting responsibilty  

How can the above three sub parts make one, a person of character and personality?

1. Assuming or taking responsibility

There are numerous tasks that need to be implemented as well as completed so that these can bring pleasing intended results to people. For example, studying to the best of your ability, fetching commodities like groceries or milk from the market for the household, teaching your younger brother or sister etc. The process starts with taking the responsibility of a task or a job by yourself and becoming the prime mover for that particular activity. Then the entire performance of that activity depends upon the person who assumed the responsibility...Dont you think it is a matter of great initiative that an individual seizes the opportunity and becomes one responsible for it. When teaching your younger brother or sister, his or her performance and results in the exams falls upon your shoulders. 

2. Behaving in a responsible manner

We know that every action of ours has some far reaching consequences. No action in this world can be without consequences. Therefore, when you perform some task it has to be performed in a manner that shows application of forethought and acumen before you launch into an activity or a task. For example, if a person decides to carry some fragile object up the floors in a house, he or she has to take good care that the object does not get broken. If a person is driving on the road, he or she has to take behave in a responsible manner that no untoward incident happens while driving. 

3. Accepting responsibility

Every task when performed does not bear the intended sweet result. Some tasks bear better resuts while some others bear moderate resuts and still others bear beautiful results. You need to analyse why a particular task did not bear good result. Your analysis might reveal a lacuna or a fault that can be attributed to yourself or your team member. What should you do in such a situation?
It calls for some great courage to stand up and say that you were at fault and because of which the task had failed. Ordinary people mmight no rise up to accept the responsibility for the fear of unfavourable and dire consequences of the same. Only people of character will do so and shield the people they lead. 


Q1. Narrate an incident when you assumed a responsibility in the school or at home and did that task for quite some time. 

Q2. Why is behaving in a responsible manner always in your best interest?

Q3. Have you ever accepted responsibility of your actions esp when these have gone wrong?



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