Value Education - Truthfulness and Honesty

Dear Students,

Greetings and a warm welcome to all of you.

Attention Please: Important Instructions

You need to write your names in the comment section at the end of this blog as a mark of your attendance. You can use the same section to ask any doubts that you may have. I will also be posting my instructions to you in that very section. Hence, keep checking the bottom of this blog at regular intervals

The theme of the day is 'Truthfulness and Honesty'.

We start with a small quote of Albert Einstein:

“Whoever is careless with the truth cannot be trusted at all” ― Albert Einstein

We all learn the lessons of truthfulness and honesty from early childhood. We are told a number of stories in which truth and honesty survive in the end and triumph. Your parents and teachers always tell you to be truthful and honest in life.

Did you ever think why being truthful and honest is in your best interests? 

A school is an institution that helps you imbibe good values (or a value system) and transforms you into a person having a good character, apart from acquiring so much more knowledge. The lessons on truthfulness and honesty we give you are very important in forming a value system inside you. This value system works like a 'compass' that guides you in an adverse or an unfavorable situation on a stormy night so that you can still find your way in the uncertain journey called life. It is from this value system that a robust personality and a character take birth. A person who is not truthful and honest will lack good personality as well as character.

Practicing truthfulness and honesty from an early childhood will inculcate a good habit in you. Further, a good habit lays the strong foundation of a robust character as you step into your adulthood. If you form a good habit of telling the truth and being honest, in spite of all odd situations that you might face, you will form a good character. On the contrary if you do not tell the truth and are not honest, you will not form a good personality or a good character. Who would want to be labelled as a characterless person?

Trust, confidence and respect are other values that cannot be loaned or acquired for free. If you are truthful and honest and have a good value system, all the people around you will admire you for your qualities and therefore they will trust you, respect you and repose confidence in you. If you keep telling falsehood and lies, no one will trust you. Do you think in this situation people will pay you any respect?

If you are always truthful, others will not push you into doing nefarious or undesirable things. Truthfulness in itself, wields a great power as well as force that reforms people around you. You would be incorruptible and you will prove to be a great asset to the society. The world needs many people like you to make this world a better place to live.

Exercise - Truthfulness and Honesty

Q 1. Why is it important to have a good value system?

Q 2. How can you build a good character?

Q 3. Is respect earned or available for free?


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