EG - Class 12 - PA1 Exam


Ashok Place, N. Delhi – 110001

PA 1, 1st July 2021

Class XII, Engineering Graphics

Time: 1 hr 20 mins                                                                                                      MM : 40


1.       Attempt all questions.

2.       All dimensions are in mm.

3.       Follow the SP: 46-1988 codes (with first angle projections)

4.       Use both sides of the drawing sheet, if required.

5.       Missing or mismatching dimensions, if any, may be suitably assumed

6.       Diagrams are not to scale. Follow the dimensions only.

7.       Draw neat projections/ views.


Q 1 (a) Construct an Isometric scale of length 80 mm with subdivisions.                (8)                             


       (b) Draw the isometric projection of a pentagonal pyramid of base edge 30 mm

             and 60 mm height, placed centrally on top of a hexagonal slab (prism) of

             base side 40 mm and height 30 mm.                                                             (14)                                                 


Q 2.  Draw to scale 1: 1 the standard profile of Metric thread (Internal) of pitch

             50 mm. Give standard dimensions.                                                                 (8)



Q 3.  Draw to scale 1: 1 the FV, TV and SV of a hexagonal nut M 30 keeping its

             axis vertical. Give standard dimensions.                                                        (10)



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